Airrohr Workshop
20 new finedust sensors with Zeit Online
20 new finedust sensors with Zeit Online
Playing around with @aschinchon strange attractor algorithm
Analysis and Viz of Finedust Sensor Data from Hamburg 2018
A twitter bot that informs about new data sets on the open data portal of Hamburg
Projects I have worked on during my Google Fellowship with Spiegel Online
Twitter analysis of Netzwerk Recherche’s annual conference 2018
Animated visualization of the Hamburg Marathon 2018
Interactive map of bike sharing in Hamburg
Animated visualizations to show the current state of the airrohr project.
Animated visualization of street tree plantings in Hamburg
Predict the category of a dish’s cuisine given a list of its ingredients
How to visualize the Results of a Cluster Analysis?
Twitter Analysis of a cultural hackathon
Interactive Map for a cultural hackathon
How to set up an algorithmic attribution model?
My R-related Google Search History over time
Top 16% Solution to Kaggle’s Product Classification Challenge
Interactive Map for a cultural hackathon
How to use ggplot to create cohorts?